Stay at home resources

Roanoke Kids Magazine
August 7, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 20

Roanoke Kids Magazine
July 23, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 19

Roanoke Kids Magazine
July 16, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 18

Roanoke Kids Magazine
July 2, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 16

Roanoke Kids Magazine
June 25, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 15

Roanoke Kids Magazine
June 11, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 13

Roanoke Kids Magazine
June 4, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 12

Roanoke Kids Magazine
May 28, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 11

Roanoke Kids Magazine
May 21, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 10

Roanoke Kids Magazine
May 14, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 9

Roanoke Kids Magazine
May 7, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 8

Roanoke Kids Magazine
April 30, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 7

Roanoke Kids Magazine
April 23, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 6

Roanoke Kids Magazine
April 16, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 5

Roanoke Kids Magazine
April 9, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 4

Roanoke Kids Magazine
April 2, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 3

Roanoke Kids Magazine
March 24, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 2

Roanoke Kids Magazine
March 19, 2020 - Volume 1, Issue 1
Live Streaming of Classes and Instructional Videos and Tours
Roanoke Public Libraries Storytime
ScienceMom and MathDad Live Streaming- Live Daily 11-1PM
Lunch Doodles with Mo Williams - Live Every Day at 1PM
Virtual Karate with SuperKicks - Live Every Day at 4:30 PM
YouTube Channels for Kids 13 and Up
YouTube Channels for Kids 5 and Up
Youtube Channels for Preschoolers
Go to the museum, virtually: Get a virtual tour of 12 museums.
Mystery Science: Video lessons science lessons that will inspire kids to explore our world.
Scholastic Learn at Home: Scholastic Magazine is offering four learning experiences each day.
The FAB Lab: Watch STEM videos with Crazy Aunt Lindsey.
Google Arts & Culture - Google has teamed up with over 500 museums and galleries around the world to bring everyone virtual tours and online exhibits. So while your students are at home, they can still take a virtual field trip to some of the most famous museums across the world.
Khan Academy is a great online learning website for students of all ages. The site offers short video lessons on thousands of topics, and their programs are personalized to allow children to learn at their own pace. To top it off, all videos and resources are free for all users.
PlayFit StayFit - Streams their HIIT Classes daily on ZOOM for FREE and has them recorded HERE for later use.
Educational Websites
Ascend Math: Ascend Math offers math instruction for kindergarten to 12th-grade students. The platform will be free until the end of April.
Bedtime Math: See math as part of your child’s daily routine.
Belouga: Get a free account for K-12th grade students for resources such as math problems and social science videos.
BlocksCAD: Build math and computer science skills by using specialized 3D CAD (computer-aided drafting) software. Check your math with
Minecraft Education Edition: If you like coding, math and problem-solving try Minecraft way.
Desmos: Students can use online tools to visualize math problems, create interactive tutorials and play math games with kids from all over the world. offers online math games that help students ages 3+ with basic math lessons, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, money and more.
Club Oasis: A free STEM club offers DYI STEM labs, live classes, coding lessons and lives pop-ups.
National Geographic for Kids: Look for games, videos, lessons and “cool stuff.”
KiwiCo: KiwiCo “helps kids think big and act like creators and producers instead of just consumers” Great activities and DYI science projects.
Science Friday: Elementary to high school students can get lessons in physics, chemistry, earth science and biology.
Animals are amazing: Learn all about animals from the Switcheroo Zoo.
Exploratorium (yes, the same one as the museum in San Francisco) has a website that teaches students about science and art. Help your students go far into the galaxy or deep down to the bottom of the ocean on this site. Learn to code online! provides free K-12 computer science lessons and games to help students learn how to code at an earlier age.
BeeLine Reader: BeeLine Reader helps students of all ages and skill levels improve their reading skills.
Classroom cereal: Work on your grammar by learning to proofread short stories.
Duolingo: Learn a new language while you are stuck at home.
Dr. Seuss to the rescue: Who doesn’t want to read and play games with Dr. Seuss?
Into the Book: Elementary school students can practice reading comprehension.
NaNoWriMo: If your child is looking to write the Great American Novel, here’s a website for you.
ProjectGutenberg: A free library where kids can download or read online more than 60,000 free eBooks. Reading comprehension is the goal of Readworks.
It’s Epic: The Epic! reading app is free to parents for the rest of the school year if you can get a digital invitation from a teacher or school librarian. They can sign up free to provide access to their students.
Audible Audible by Amazon has hundreds of titles available completely free for as long as schools are closed. The collection has been handpicked by editors and is a mix of stories to entertain, engage, and inform young people, ages 0–18. These stories offer a screen-free option that may help break up the day for families with students home from school.
Big History Project: Get free access to a social studies course. It is focused on high school students but works for most of the rest of us.
New American History: Learn from history materials aimed at grades 4 and up.
Into the Map: For the world traveler, a way to create maps and explore the world’s geography.
BBC History for Kids Students can walk through ancient history, or choose specific countries for more deep learning. BBC History for Kids is an adventure through time.
Little Twisters Yoga & Emotional Wellness: Don’t forget your child’s emotional health. What about yoga?
DuckDuckMoose: An app for tablets for preschool to kindergarten students.
PBS KIDS daily newsletter: Sign up for a free daily newsletter from PBS KIDS.
GoNoodle: GoNoodle has games to get your child moving.
Highlights Kids offers online ways to play, read and craft with animated stories and more. According to their website, they are on a mission to “help children become their best selves by publishing content and creating experiences that engage, delight and foster joyful learning.”
Mickey Mouse and friends will keep your students busy for hours with games, coloring pages, videos and more.
Nick Jr. Beyond the television network, Nick Jr. offers many educational printables, games and other activities (yes, it includes Peppa Pig) for students to love.
Sesame Street Who doesn’t love Sesame Street? Students have access to hundreds of video clips and games that help them with phonics, rhymes, colors and more.
Vizzle: If you have a child on the autism spectrum you can get specialize lessons from Vizzle.
Fun Brain: Activities, games, reading and more are available for grades pre-K through eighth grade.
Games, videos and math: ABCya offers activities for students grades pre-K through sixth grade.
Discovery K-12: Pre-K to 12th-grade lessons and activities in these areas: language arts, reading, math, science, history/social studies, performing arts and physical education.
Arcademics: Games are aimed at students from kindergarten to eighth grade.
Star Fall: Math, reading, art and music is available for students in kindergarten through third grade.
Toy Theater: A fun website with math, art and reading games.
Crash Course: Courses in sociology, computer science, film history and mythology are offered for starters. Learn about 2,000-plus wonders of the world.
Going for the record: The folks at Guinness World Records have some ideas for kids who want to be record setters. How many balloons can you burst by sitting in 30 seconds?
BrainPOP: Want to make a movie? BrainPOP lets students make movies out of images, build maps and develop their block-based coding skills. BrainPOP focuses on K-12th grade children. offers interesting articles, photos and videos on topics like politics, the environment, entertainment, sports and health.
Learning Games for Kids is all about games that can teach students about a variety of topics and subjects. Game lovers will be thrilled.
Scholastic You can play games, create your own comics, and more. Most importantly, Scholastic features an online discussion board for your students to connect with friends online.
How Stuff Works is a comprehensive articles-based site that introduces and informs on a variety of topics like culture, science, money, technology and more. Games, quizzes, and videos are also available to supplement the articles.
Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids features fun games, riddles and puzzles, to supplement any online learning for young children.
Educational Print Outs and Worksheets
Teach From Home - Google Tools To Teach From Home
Comic Explaining Coronavirus for Kids
123 Homeschool4me: Get printable worksheets and other resources for homeschooling.
All Kids Network: Get worksheets, craft ideas, printable dot to dot, hidden pictures and more.
The Activity Mom: Get the printables kids love to work on.
You can draw: Jarrett Lerner is posting activity pages on his website which you can print out and enjoy. Lerner is the author of "EngiNerds and “Revenge of the EngiNerds,” as well as the forthcoming “Geeger the Robot” early chapter book series and the author-illustrator of the “Hunger Heroes” graphic novel series. is the perfect online resource for parents and teachers who are looking for word games, coloring activities and puzzles to try with their students. Check out their printable section for off-line activity sheets as well. is a great online resource that helps pre-K to 3rd grade students with language arts and math lessons. It also offers a parent-teacher resource center for free, downloadable worksheets and more.