Dad of the Month: Chris Patterson

Logan says “My dad is the best dad because he works hard to provide for us, is cool and does almost everything we want.”

Chris works very hard at whatever he does.  During the years that I stayed at home with our youngest, he worked 60+ hours a week to make up for my lost income.  We have no doubt that as a wife and his children, we are greatly loved by him.  He loves to spend time with the kids, whether its wrestling around with them, playing video games, watching movies, running, riding bikes or camping.  Chris makes a point to be there for all the boys’ programs, events, and special occasions (even the times when they don’t want him to!)  He tries to lead our children by example, helping them make the right choices, and letting them make their own mistakes so they can learn from those mistakes.

He may not be Superman, but to our kids, he is their super hero.  

Full name: Christopher R Patterson

Children’s names & ages: Noah 4, Nathan 10, Logan 13

What inspires you? It is anything from something I read to seeing someone doing something selfless.

What are you most proud of? My wife and  3 kids.

What motivates you? I always want to get better at what I am doing no matter if its personal or professional.

Do you have any advice for other parents? Learn Grace. God gives us grace when we do not deserve it, sometimes as parents we need to give our kids some grace. That lesson sometime will get their attention more than any punishment.  You also have to be able to laugh at yourself and with your kids.

What is the biggest challenge in your life? Trying to be a husband, father, son and a friend. Trying to find enough time to do them all right.

How do you help others? Trying to available. Time is something  that is in short supply around our house.

How would you describe your parenting style? I am trying to a better job on this. I am trying to be more flexible with this and adapt to situation at hand.  

Fun facts

What is on your iPod? Red /Feed the Machine

What can you not live without?  Faith

What is your favorite date night venue? Somewhere that does not sell chicken nuggets.

What do you always have with you? IPhone

What is your favorite movie?  Most 80’s comedies Goonies, Ghostbusters Army Of Darkness, BeetleJuice. ETC.

What would people be surprised to know about you? I enjoy cooking.

Tracy Fisher

Tracy Fisher is Growing Up in the Valley's head designer. She has been a part of the publication since March 2012. She is the proud mother of Charlotte, 6. She also eats too much chocolate.
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