Creating a Study Space

Back to school in 2020 looks very different for all of us. Whether your children will attend their regular school full time, part time or will learn entirely virtually, they will need a quiet learning place within the home. Just doing homework at the kitchen table may not cut it when they require peace and quiet for online classes, or you have more than one child that’s participating in virtual learning. Here are some tips on setting up a space to help ensure their learning success.
Know your child’s needs
If you have a child that’s easily distracted, move their workspace away from areas with TVs or large windows – especially those facing the street.
In school, children often have the opportunity to move, whether it’s changing classes or classrooms, or moving to different work stations. Give them the option of moving to a different chair or workspace if staying still for a length of time is difficult for them.
Consider lighting or sound needs if your child has difficulty seeing or hearing.
Hardware and space
Make sure the area has adequate outlets for lamps and chargers without creating a trip hazard with cords along the room.
You’ll want to have enough space that your children can leave their supplies, books and computer and not have to pack them away each day. Maybe even have a whiteboard or cork board for posting A+ work, photos of friends or other options for personalization.
Tips for multiple children
If you have to make the space work for multiple children, get bins for each child’s materials.
Also consider setting up a bookcase or shelves to allow each child to store their supplies and materials for their classes.
Set up a schedule for use of the space, if needed, so everyone knows whose turn it is.
Use a partition, sheet or other makeshift divider if the children need to use the space at the same time.

A native of the area, Curtis Burchett has more than 18 years experience as full-time Realtor. He currently lives in Southwest Roanoke County with his wife and 3 children.